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3 products

  • Ajmal Dawakhana

    Itrifal ustukhuddus

    Itrifal Ustukhuddus Itrifal Ustukhuddus detoxifies the whole digestive system and strengthens the brain and nerves. Itrifal Ustukhuddus is an Unani...

    From Rs.200.00 PKR
    Rs.200.00 PKR
    Rs.200.00 PKR
  • Ajmal Dawakhana

    Arq chahar | strengthens digestion

    Arq Chahar strengthens the digestive system. It increases appetite. Act as carminative. A carminative, also known as carminativum (plural carminative), is a...

    Rs.250.00 PKR
    Rs.250.00 PKR
    Rs.250.00 PKR
  • Ajmal Dawakhana

    Arq ajwain | for improved digestion

    The active component of Arq Ajwain is Borage Officials (Gaozaban). It contains a fatty acid called gamma linolenic acid or...

    Rs.210.00 PKR
    Rs.210.00 PKR
    Rs.210.00 PKR
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